March 18, 2024

Ray’s Chat 138

HI fOLKSRAYS CHAT ONE HUNDRED & THIRTY EightThe References I give you are from You Tube Folk Music.Hi: The lighter Nights are coming, and soon Spring will bringthe Garden back to life .and as you look there are new buds:The Garden is coming alive after […]

January 18, 2024

Ray’s Chat for the Spring

Hi Folks: Well Here We are moving towards Spring, and, Hopefully some Warmer weather.  Oh Yes We will all be looking forward to sunnier days but  till those days get here be sure SHIRLEY FOLK CLUB will be Having some real good Folk Nights. And […]

December 19, 2023

Ray’s Chat for 2024

Hi Folks Another Year has slipped by with a lot of Ups and Downs. And Who knows where we will be at this time next Year??. BUT At least  We can be Thankful that We are still here:  And Doing Oh So much BETTER than a […]

September 5, 2023

Ray’s Chat Number 7

Hi Folks.Here we are in September 2023:Back to The Folk Club For the New Season: And How Good itwas to say Hello to all those friendly faces. Some I have knownfor Many years. So I am I am REAL HAPPY!! AND I AM NOTgoing to […]

August 25, 2023

Ray’s Chat Number 6

Hi Folks.So: Here we are still in August 2023: As I write this:BUT: I am looking Forward to September. When the Folk Clubwill start again.Oh YES That will Be So Good..And I know That Simeon has booked some GREAT GUESTSfor the coming Club Season. You […]

August 1, 2023

Rays Chat Number 5

Rays page Number 5Hi Folks.So: Here we are in August 2023:And WOW!! What a Year, so far!! ..From Raging Rain Storms, Flooding places that had never had floodsbefore; and IN SOME Countries People driven from their homes, byfloods.AND: The Hottest Weather We have EVER Known.!!Then […]