July 13, 2023

Ray’s Page Number 4

It was GREAT to be with you on 8th June; And What a GREAT Night it was?  Simeon does a Fantastic job booking  the Guest Artists. And this is What “May and & June”, Are Thinking. May, I’m Hearing lots about The Shirley Folk Club. Rita says it’s Good […]

June 25, 2023

Rays page Number 3

Hi Folks.Oh YES ,I am missing You..But Simeon is keeping Me Up to date with Whats Going On.And this is What “May and & June”, think.OH May, it was real good that Ray brought His Friend to FREDs Place,YES Freds Is getting to be THE […]

May 30, 2023

Ray’s Page Number 2

Hi Folks. Oh YES ,I am missing You.. The SHIRLEY FOLK CLUB is just GREAT, And  I really Do miss Wednesday night Folk Club.   And YES,  I am Missing the Great Friends  I have made there. And this is What “May and & June”, think. […]

April 30, 2023

Ray’s Page Number 1

May have you heard Rays retired from the Folk Club? YESHe’s been going there quite a while: He will miss it, I GuessBut: He has had a couple of falls. And, His Legs are weak now.He’s Been told He Needs a Walking Frame. Not Him […]

March 30, 2023

Ray’s chat 154

RAYS CHAT One Hundred & FifTY FourThe references I Give You Are From YOU TUBE FOLK MUSICHi folks: We got some Sun: Hurrah!! Ok only now and again.But Spring is here: and perhaps We can spend time in the Sun,So Lets have some Sunny Music:This […]

March 12, 2023

Ray’s chat 153

RAYS CHAT One Hundred & FifTY Three   The references I Give You Are From  YOU TUBE FOLK MUSIC Hi folks:  We have been having a fairly Mild Winter Lets hope it follows with An Early Spring: Not Long to wait.  So We will Soon have thoughts  of Sunny days in the […]