Derek Scoops Teddy Bear Times
Performer’s Night – 17th June
Another evening of fine music and excellent company was enjoyed by all on Friday. For once there were no new performers but many of the regulars turned out and did their stuff.
The evening was expertly MC’d by Simeon and featured Simon, Ric (that mandocello sounds just amazing!), Pete, Betty, Marten, Nigel, Phil and Sue (great singing). A big welcome to Ray and Sheila who assured me that they will be performing in the very near future!
The big event of the evening, however, was yet another victory for Derek in the raffle, proudly taking home a copy of The Teddy Bear Times!
We also witnessed the birth of the Shirley Shipmates (great name Sue!) who will be docking soon (watch this space if you don’t know what I’m talking about).
Simeon ended the evening with a lovely rendition of Last Thing On My Mind which included a surprise final verse. He laid down the challenge to write an alternative last verse and sing it at future clubs. This could be a great feature so who is going to take up the challenge?!
We meet again on 1st July when we have another performer’s night with an extended feature spot from Sam Cornwell.