April Fools’ Night
Good Morning All
Well, what a great night we had again last night. The evenings just seem to be getting better and better with a lovely warm, relaxed atmosphere and some great music.
Highlights this week included some lovely self-penned songs from Simon and Nigel, fine chorus singing from everyone to the likes of Black Velvet Band and Drink Up Thy Zider, and a quite brilliant performance from new member Derrick (if you fancy something different check him out on Tuesday evening from 10.00 to midnight at www.newstyleradio.co.uk.
We were also richly entertained by the welcome return of Tarmac, Ric and John C who have all been on travels of various descriptions in recent weeks. A warm welcome also to new members Ann and Tuc (who won the splendid Easter egg in the raffle) and to Rob, Tess and friends. We also welcomed back Derek and Tess who celebrated their return from the southern hemisphere by scooping a particularly fine Great Tea Towel of the World!
Katriona Gilmore and Jamie Roberts will be our guests at the next club on 22nd April. Please remember to reserve your tickets in advance (only £2 to members) by email to me. Let’s see if we can get a real bumper turnout for this special evening. Support on the night will be provided by our own floor spots of two songs each but, as these are limited by time, please let me know by email if you would like to do a support spot on the night and I’ll try to fit as many people in as possible.