Gold Medal Performances!
Performer’s Night – 3rd August
With the rush of gold medals in the early evening in full flow it was great to see so many people turn out to folk club on Friday. We had fine performances from Laura and John as well as a welcome return from Diane, Tommy and Nick. Diane gave us some great singing and great songs, Nick displayed his usual mastery of the guitar with a gripping performance and Tommy entertained us in his own unique style. Our two poets and story tellers gave us a great variety ranging from Finbar’s hilarious tales to Ray’s moving and thought provoking work. The evening ended with a mass singalong to the likes of Blowin’ in the Wind, Belle of Belfast City and Black Velvet Band featuring an olympic themed verse from Julian. Great stuff.
In raffle news, Derek established himself back at the top of the medals table by claiming the Olympic Team GB Rubber Duck! How does he do it?
We meet again on 17th August when we will have a performer’s night with a feature spot from Carrick.