Old Friends Return
Performer’s night – 6th July 2012
In the midst of all this horrible, wet weather it was great to see some old friends returning at our latest performer’s night with Sam, Marten and Thrupp’ny Bits all making a welcome return.
The first half featured two thirds of the Tuesday club with Ray accompanying Pete on a rather large drum. Sam, Marten, Thrupp’ny Bits and Derek (now officially a club regular!) all gave their customary high class performances. In the second half we had poems from Ray, songs from Simeon and Laura and then a second helping of Thrupp’ny Bits, Derek and Sam. All topped off with our traditional final act of Barry and Ed who performed a stunning rendition of Eldorado. Great stuff.
In raffle news the battle of CD’s was lost once again by Little Johnny England who will be returning next time for a record 6th appearance! Good taste is clearly absent from recent raffle winners! Confusion is now rife in the raffle as our undisputed raffle kings for such a long time – Julian and Derek – are now being threatened by a sustained challenge from … err … Derek who has won in consecutive weeks. Come on Derek … or is it Derek?! A particularly exciting raffle was completed perfectly by first timer Pete who lifted the spotty hanky to reveal a magnificent Team GB Olympic themed hat!
Next up is a performer’s night with a feature spot from club favourite Simon Coverdale on 20th July. The forecasters tell us it will still be raining so don’t bother with that camping trip, come and enjoy a night at the Shirley Red Lion Folk Club in the dry!