Another fine evening!
Performer’s Night – 2nd March 2012
Another fine evening of entertainment was enjoyed at the club last night. Simon’s relaxed MCing led us through a packed programme with lots of quality and variety. First half spots included Simon, Simeon and Diane all performing with their customary style. The Boatbuilders made another appearance marking the concert last week and Andy can no longer claim that he can’t sing after doing just that! Finbar gave us the shortest spot ever witnessed in the history of folk clubs in the UK but entertaining as ever and we welcomed Chris Tobin for his first visit to the club. Chris gave a great performance to end the first half ably accompanied by Betty who sang every word of his songs from the back of the room!
The raffle once again included Derek, Tess and Marten as prize winners although, for once, Julian didn’t win. I would love to be able to go back and work out the odds of the wins that they have had over the two years that we have been running. Diane took June Tabor and the Oysterband home with Marten securing the monkey head nail dryer (you had to be there!).
The second half featured Thrupp’ny Bit with their excellent singing and gentle humour. A real treat again. Simon, Ray, Marten and Tommy kept things going and Laura got everyone singing with a fine solo spot. Barry and Ed rounded off the evening in customary style.
We do it all again on 16th March!
Lucy ward tickets are selling fast and we are limiting numbers so, if you want tickets and can’t come next time, drop me an email using the club contact address and I will reserve them for you.