August 26, 2010 By Paul

Geoff Takes Centre Stage

19th August 2010 – Performer’s Night


Another fine evening of entertainment took place on Thursday with a surprisingly good turnout for mid august. A very warm welcome to Andy, Graham and Sandy with Andy and Graham entertaining us richly as Anagram. Lots of performers (including, I’m sorry to say, yours truly) made feeble excuses about not playing much lately so the evening rapidly evolved into back catalogue evening. Actually, this was no bad thing as it was great to hear some of the old favourites from the likes of Simon and Mick but the highlight of the evening had to be Geoff’s particularly fine performance of the Adge Cutler classic Don’t Tell I Tell ‘Ee! Geoff has that happy knack of always bringing a smile to everyone’s lips.

A bumper raffle caused cries of happiness as chocolates, wine and the Julie Fowliss CD disappeared to good homes. Linda was clearly thrilled to become the proud owner of the Inland Waterways Alphabet – one of the very greatest tea towels of the world.

More of the same on 2nd September!

Dates for your diary are now on the web site and the details of the programme will be confirmed very soon. However, don’t forget to put THE BIG ONE in your diary!! On 23rd September we will not be holding a bring a friend night but we will be holding Bring Some Folk Night!! This is where we will launch our very first autumn season with a performer’s night plus a few surprises! Do come along and bring someone with you (kicking and screaming if necessary). The evening is a chance to find out what we do and hopefully attract a few new members. It is also a great chance for those of you who haven’t been along for a while to come back and see what we are up to. Let’s make it a great night.

Keep singing!