Another great club night
Hello all
Well, another great club night was enjoyed last night with some excellent music and, as ever, good company. The atmosphere seemed particularly friendly and warm last night, I guess we are all really getting to know each other now!
A warm welcome to new members John and his group (looking forward to hearing the mandolin and fiddle soon!) and Mick with his particular take on the folk world.
The highlight had to be the singing session that ended the evening with the likes of Black Velvet Band, Leaving of Liverpool and Wild Rover inspiring singing and playing from all parts of the room.
The raffle continues to operate on the edge of civilised behaviour and nearly descended into a riot with cries of “I don’t want the tickets I want to pay” and “Give me the tea towel” being heard from Julian and Linda as their tickets were drawn. In honour of St David’s day the Great Tea Towel Of The World was not just the obvious “Wales” but the quite magnificent “The Welsh Language”. However, it has been brought to the attention of the club disciplinary committee that a deal was done late in the evening involving the tea towel and the Bellowhead CD. Whatever next?!
Next club is on 18th March.
On 22nd April we will be holding our first guest night with Katriona Gilmore and Jamie Roberts. This should be a very special evening so don’t miss it. Follow the link below to our web site and you can then follow further links to our guest’s web sites to get a flavour of what to expect. Admission for guest nights will be £5 but, as attendances have been so good we have got a few quid in the bank so all members (anyone who has been to the club and is on the contact list) will get in for the normal admission price of £2. How good is that?!!
Hope to see you all on 18th March.