September 8, 2019 By Diane Kemp

Ray’s chat 69


Hi Folks

It’s RAYS CHAT Sixty Nine

We are back in September, So a September Song is called for..

Put in:-

Kate Wolf – September Song (1979) 4.24

Yes the lovely voice of Kate Wolf

Those of you that have been with Me sometime will know that Kate is one of My Top Favourites.

She started with a Group called Wild Wood Flower.

After a long search I found Kate singing on an Album, with that Group recorded in 1976

This is a complete album will take you 42.03 minutes to listen to..

There are a lot of Songs I had never Heard before.

I don’t think this shows Kate at her best..

BUT: it is the first sort of songs She Sang..

I think She was better When She went on her own.

Although: to be fair; there is some real good playing in the band.. If you listen!!

Put in:

KATE WOLF @ The Wildwood Flower – Back Roads (1976) 42.03

Back to chat about Holidays: Is yours Over?: Or still some to come?

Maybe you stayed in UK this Year: Scotland Maybe??

Well here is a Memory for you:

I have found a version of a song I am sure you will know. A lovely Old Scots Song. Real History..

Story of Bonnie Prince Charlie escaping to Skye in 1746.

‘You have lots of Choices: So Many People have recorded it.

BUT THIS version is just the best I have ever heard..

Put in;

The Skye Boat Song – Ella Roberts 4.17

Perhaps You decided not to fly this year? And stayed in Our own Lovely Island; and maybe Visited Glorious Devon..

And I found this: Put in:

The Bells Ringing – 2 Devon Folk Songs arranged for Choir 4.16

Oh Yes Lovely Devon and Somerset; and you are lucky if you find something local going-on; maybe like this: Put In;

Horse and Groom Cider Festival 2013 3.18

Perhaps you went to Ireland.. Oh Lovely Country and Some lovely Music There.: And they really get them Young over there.

Maybe you were lucky enough to find something like this

Watch this:

Fleadh Final, Ennis Co Clare 5.18

Well I hope you enjoyed that.. Different!!

Lovely Real Folk Music.. You just cannot resist it.

And of course in Ireland you MUST go to an Irish Pub and there is always Great Music.. and great singing.

And Yes you’ve guessed it; I just got to have some of that Great Irish Singing.?? There are So Many of the Great Irish Songs to choose from:

Oh But Which One.. So Many I love.

But one that always gets me going is THE BLACK VELVET BAND. Oh BUT Which Group?? There are So Many to listen to. I must have listened to more than 30 versions.. Yes. And still I come back to this: Put in:

The Black Velvet Band (1993) 4.31

This is an original Dubliners Re-Mastered

But I did find another version that is different, that I quite liked.. Never heard this before.. Try this:

Delaney’s Allstars BLACK VEVET BAND 4.26

Different!! What Did You Think?

Sometimes: On Holiday you hear a street singer, or maybe someone playing some instrument.. It Sounds GREAT and you just never know Who He is? The famous violinist JOSHUA BELL: When He was younger : Busked in New York.. No one recognised him..

World Famous Guy tho He was!; and he Only made a few dollars.

I’ve had something like that happen.

I was with my friends in Barcelona and a guy was playing guitar..

I knew the piece AND I knew He was good. So I stayed and listened..

just ME there, My personal concert: He was Terrific.

I bought one of his CDs. And in it was a booklet saying He was one of the most famous Guitar players in South America. He had Won Loads of Prizes!!! Played to Millions.

And that day: He played just for me. SO: You never Know. I always listen to Buskers if they sound good.

Some DO make it..

Read Ed Sheerans Story:

If you want to know How real perseverance Paid off. But BOY How Hard He had to work for his fame.

You can see some of his story on ED SHEERAN –Before They Were Famous.

And talking about him.. We should hear one of his Songs: put in.

Autumn Leaves Ed Sheeran 3.23

BUT too much Chat: More Music!! OK Put this in:

COME SEPTEMBER Theme Music On The Sitar And On The Guitar 4.02

Well it’s different.

SO Near the end of another Chat.: September and really there is only one song I should end with: A Great song and a Great Singer to sing it for us: Put in:

September Song – Willie Nelson 4.47

I wonder where I’ll wander to Next time in Rays Chat?

Nice Chatting to You. Great to be back for the Winter season.