John Kirkpatrick
John Kirkpatrick – 15th July
What a fantastic evening we were treated to by the excellent John Kirkpatrick. John’s masterful playing of button accordion, concertina and melodeon combined with great singing, fine songs and excellent tunes all combined to give us a brilliant evening. It was the kind of performance that leaves you feeling uplifted and just an inch or two taller as you walk home at the end of the night! As for the encore when John manically whirled his concertina round and round making the sound of bells ringing out around the room – well, I’ve never seen anything quite like it!
We also had our best ever turnout exceeding 50 for the very first time. We even had a proper gangway down the middle of the room, imposing some unexpected order and breaking with our tradition of chairs and tables arranged randomly around the room! This confused Linda and Geoff who spent the first few minutes sitting on opposite sides of the gap but soon recovered a welcome sense of normality by moving the gap!
A particularly exciting Shirley Red Lion Folk Club Guest Publication was won by Betty who proudly took home a copy of “100% Boy Bands” featuring a free DVD and lots of pictures of Donny Osmond wannabes. Betty noted that “Kath will love this”! The raffle was also raised to new heights by the inclusion of a fruit cake baked by Pete and snaffled by Simeon. Whatever will they think of next?
We are making a few changes to the programme for the autumn which will include a very special event in November. Watch this space for details!